Data Gathering
Ability to perform ADLs
Hearing aids
Visual aids
Cognitive impairment
Response to previous anesthesia
Mobility impairment/assistive devices
Memory loss
Hearing loss
Vision loss
Risk Stratification
Perioperative Neurocognitive Disoders (Postop Delirium & Postop Cognitive Dysfunction)
Risk Factors:
Age > 65 years
Chronic cognitive decline or dementia
Poor vision or hearing
Severe illness ​
Active Infection
Screen all patients age >65 years or with risk factors for PND with cognitive testing (e.g., Mini-Cog) (ASA Brain Health Initiative)
Frailty (SPAQI Guideline)

Score 1-2 = prefrail
Score ≥3 = frail​
General (ACS/AGS Best Practice Guideline)
Confirm patient goals for surgery - life prolongation, maintenance of independence, or quality of life improvement (Dworsky et al)
Confirm and document advance directives, power of attorney for health care, and code status
Communicate potential risks and plan approach to management of complications that is consistent with patient's preferences (including "Required Reconsideration" - do not automatically suspend DNR in OR)
Consent should include discussion of risk of perioperative neurocognitive disorders by both the surgeon & anesthesiologist (ASA Brain Health Initiative)
Minimize clear liquid fast to only 2 hours before surgery (unless evidence of delayed gastric emptying)
Close scrutiny of chronic medications with elimination of non-essential meds
Consider regional anesthesia
Not definitively superior as primary anesthetic approach​
Opioid-sparing analgesia:
Non-opioid analgesics
Regional analgesia
Thoracotomy/abdominal surgery: consider epidural anesthesia/analgesia​
Hip fracture surgery: femoral nerve or iliac blockade (placed preoperatively)
Prevent hypothermia with forced air warmers &/or warmed IV fluids for surgery >30 min
Delirium prevention
Pain control
Sleep hygiene support (minimize nighttime disruptions, encourage family at bedside)
Vision and hearing aids accessible
Remove catheters
Minimize psychoactive medications
Avoid potentially inappropriate medications (see section below on perioperative neurocognitive dysfunction)
Prevent constipation
Delirium management
Consider common causes in older patients: urinary retention, hypoxia, uncontrolled pain, infection, fecal impaction
Frequent reorientation with voice, calendars and clocks
Calm environment
Eliminating restraint use except as needed to prevent harm
Familiar objects in the room
Ensuring use of assistive devices (glasses, hearing aids)
Antipsychotics only as second-line:
Haloperidol 0.5-1 mg PO/IM/IV (IV route not recommended due to increased risk of prolonged QT interval) Double dose if ineffective after 1 hour; monitor QT interval
Atypical anti-psychotics may also be used but have no proven advantages
Fall prevention
AHRQ universal fall precautions
Scheduled toileting
Early mobilization & physical/occupational therapy
Unclutter room, bathroom, and nearby hallways
Minimize tethers
Nutrition support
Monitor feeding ability
Aspiration precautions
Resume diet as early as feasible
Dentures made available
Oral supplementation for malnutrition, frailty, neurologic dysphagia, dementia, and orthopedic surgery
Pressure ulcers: close monitoring for development​
Perioperative Neurocognitive Dysfunction (PND) (ASA Brain Health Initiative)
Discuss risks of PND during consent process
Screen all patients age >65 years & those with evidence of cognitive dysfunction with a cognitive screening test (e.g., Mini-Cog)
Monitor age-adjusted minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) fraction of volatile anesthetics
Conflicting evidence on the value of EEG monitoring of depth of anesthesia
Some evidence suggesting protective effect from dexmedetomidine
Avoid medications prone to causing PND​

Frailty (SPAQI Guideline)
Carefully assess goals of care - involve PCP as well geriatrics and palliative care as appropriate
Physical therapy (for prehabilitation)​
Nutritional optimization (increase protein intake, dietician consult)
Psychological counseling (for improvement of coping mechanisms)
Geriatrics referral for formal frailty assessment & postoperative co-management
If surgery non-urgent, consider delay for above