Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) & Cerebrovascular Disease (CVD)
Data Gathering
Previous cardiovascular disease
Previous stroke or TIA (presenting symptoms, work-up, treatment)
Previous evaluation for cardiovascular disease & stroke (eg, carotid ultrasound, brain MRI, ABIs, angiography)
History of revascularizations
Cognitive deficits
Visual loss
Carotid bruits
Peripheral pulses
Focal neurologic deficits
Pallor/hair loss on distal extremities
Risk Stratification
No well-validated perioperative risk stratification tools​ specific for PAD or CVD have been developed. Risk stratification should be focused on assuring these have been appropriately evaluation and are optimally managed.
Diagnostic Studies
BMP within 4 months if non-low-risk surgery
ECG within 6 months if non-low-risk surgery
Arterial-brachial indices (ABIs) should generally be obtained as indicated in any setting (ie, with signs/symptoms of PAD)
Echocardiogram indicated if patient has history of CVA or TIA with no previous echocardiogram
Still much debate about screening prior to surgery, but prevailing opinion remains in line with recommendations for general population - no indication in asymptomatic patients without a bruit and risk factors for significant carotid stenosis (Choosing Wisely)
Obtain in the following situations:
CVA or TIA with no previous carotid imaging​
Presence of a carotid bruit and at least one of the following (Choosing Wisely):
Age >65
Coronary artery disease
Need for coronary bypass
Tobacco use
Indications for Surgical Delay
CVA within 6-9 months (Jørgensen et al, Christiansen et al, AHA/Am Stroke Assoc)
Delay surgery at least 3 months per most recent study (Glance et al) after CVA, but AHA/American Stroke Associate Position Statement produced before this suggests 6 months and optimally 9 months, after CVA (AHA/Am Stroke Assoc)
If urgent surgery required, may be best to operative within first 3 days after stroke (Christiansen et al)​
Evidence of significant arterial insufficiency in same extremity that will undergo major procedure (author opinion based on concern for wound healing - primarily with lower extremity procedures​ below the thigh)
Carotid stenosis meeting criteria for intervention and scheduled for non-urgent surgery
Symptomatic carotid stenosis of >70% should be revascularized prior to elective surgery (Benesch et al)​
Severe carotid stenosis and planned surgery will be performed in sitting position (eg, shoulder surgery)
Medication Management
ACC/AHA guidelines recommend continuation of antiplatelet therapy if the thrombotic risks outweigh the bleeding risks (ACC/AHA guideline)​:
Author recommends continuing if possible (after discussion with surgeon) for patients with ischemic CVA/TIA within past year and peripheral arterial revascularization
All patients with PAD/CVD have an indication for high-dose statin therapy - continue or initiate this unless patient has a contraindication​
Collaborate with patients' cardiologists, neurologists, and vascular medicine specialists
Provide anesthesiology with advance notice of patient's with recent CVA, so appropriate intraoperative care plans can be made
For lower extremity procedures, inform surgeon of patients with peripheral revascularization since this may make use of a tourniquet contraindicated
Share with patients that current risk estimation tools do not accurately account for the risks related to CVD/PAD
The risk for CV events and mortality is substantially increased in patients with recent CVD (Jørgensen et al):​
Mortality – OR 4.4 within 3 months
CVA – OR 19.0 within 6 months
MI – OR 5.4 within 6 months