Data Gathering
Cause of CKD
Previous temporary renal replacement therapy (RRT)
Current renal replacement therapy details: peritoneal or hemodialysis provider/location, days when received, dialysis access catheters/fistulae/grafts, dry weight
History of volume overload or hyperkalemia, especially after 2 days without dialysis
Complications of dialysis: frequent hypotension, N/V, access site bleeding, access thrombosis, access infection
Weight gain
Chest pain
Abnormal breath sounds
Pericardial rub
Thrill over AV fistulae/grafts
Risk Stratification
Diagnostic Studies
Basic metabolic panel and CBC within 1 month if undergoing non-low-risk surgery (more recently if any change in status)
If patient on RRT, will have monthly labs through dialysis provider - can use these rather than repeating labs​
ECG if undergoing non-low risk surgery (author's institution's criterion)

Indications for Surgical Delay
Active heart failure
Severe hyperkalemia (ie, hyperkalemic ECG changes, K≥6)
AKI (KDIGO stage 2 or greater)
Perform surgery the day after hemodialysis whenever possible (to assure best volume status - not hypo- or hypervolemic)
If surgery scheduling cannot accomodate this, speak with patient's dialysis center and ask them to move dialysis session to occur day before surgery
This is not usually possible​ for surgeries scheduled on a Monday - speak with surgeon and anesthesiology about best management in this scenario (likely do dialysis on Saturday)
Patient's on daily home dialysis should not dialyze the morning of surgery; if they dialyze overnight, speak with their nephrologist about best management
Check potassium on morning of surgery unless low-risk procedure​
If admitted to hospital after surgery, consult nephrology for co-management of dialysis
Avoid the use of perioperative NSAIDs, gabapentin, and morphine
Need to adjust doses for renally cleared medications
Peritoneal Dialysis
Must coordinate all planning with patient's nephrologist since there is more diversity in management of peritoneal dialysis
Continue usual peritoneal dialysis regimen​​ except abdomen should be drained before surgery (for patients who usually have a daytime "dwell")
If will be admitted after surgery, need to determine if hospital has the correct equipment & dialysate for patient - if not, patient may have to bring in​
If undergoing endoscopic GU or GI procedure, may require preoperative prophylactic antibiotics - discuss with patient's nephrologist
If undergoing an intraabdominal procedure, patient may require hemodialysis after surgery - should be fully planned with nephrology and surgeon in advance of surgery
Check potassium on morning of surgery unless low-risk procedure​
If admitted to hospital after surgery, consult nephrology for co-management of dialysis
Avoid the use of perioperative NSAIDs, gabapentin, and morphine
Need to adjust doses for renally cleared medications
Hold diuretics, ACE inhibitors, and ARBs for 24 hours before surgery unless history of volume overload or CHF
Do not restart diuretics, ACE inhibitor, and ARBs until confirming patient's BP is adequate and renal function stable
Avoid the use of perioperative NSAIDs, gabapentin, and morphine
Treat significant intraoperative BP declines, even if not hypotensive - target within 10-25% of baseline BP (Futier et al)
Need to adjust doses for renally cleared medications if eGFR <50 ml/min
Collaborate with patients' nephrologists
Document presence of all vascular access devices, fistulae, and grafts
Inform patients with CKD stage 3 or greater of the risks of AKI and the potential of progression of their CKD and requirement of dialysis (particularly those with CKD stage 4 or higher)
Risk for mortality & morbidity increased for CKD based on creatinine (mg/dl) [O'Brien et al]:
1.5-3 mg/dl: mortality aOR 1.44, morbidity aOR 1.18
>3 mg/dl: mortality aOR 1.93, morbidity aOR 1.19
Dialysis patients undergoing general surgery have mortality rate of 12.7% and morbidity rate of 28.6% [Gajdos et al]
Peritoneal dialysis patients have especially high risk for complications with intra-abdominal procedures - discuss with surgeon & nephrology