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G U I D E   T O


Sponsored in part through a grant from Perioperative Medicine Education, Inc.

This guide is intended as a clinical resource for clinicians performing preoperative evaluations. The author has done his best to assure the information is current and based upon the available evidence. Recommendations which are based on the author's opinion only (due to contradicting or lack of evidence from the literature) are italicized or specifically noted as such. When using this guide, keep in mind that it is only a guide and that even the best evidence may not apply to every patient situation. This information is not intended to replace the advice of a healthcare provider about diagnosis, treatment, or prognosis. The author is not responsible for medical decisions that may be made based on information on this site since it is  provided for informational purposes. Patients should always consult their healthcare providers before deciding on a treatment plan.

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© 2018 Kurt Pfeifer.

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